Java Reference
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catch (IOException ioe)
System.err.println("IOE: "+ioe);
catch (XMLStreamException xmlse)
System.err.println("XMLSE: "+xmlse);
Although Listing 10-18 is fairly easy to follow, you might be somewhat confused
bytheduplicationofnamespaceURIsinthe setPrefix() and writeStartEle-
ment() methodcalls.Forexample,youmightbewonderingabouttheduplicateURIs
in xmlsw.setPrefix("h", ""); and
its xmlsw.writeStartElement("",
"html"); successor.
The setPrefix() methodcallcreatesamappingbetweenanamespaceprefix(the
value) and a URI (the key) without generating any output. The writeStartEle-
ment() methodcallspecifiestheURIkey,whichthismethodusestoaccesstheprefix
value,whichitthenprepends(withacoloncharacter)tothe html starttag'snamebe-
fore writing this tag to the underlying writer.
Creating Documents with Event-Based Writers
An event-based writer is created by calling one of XMLOutputFactory 's cre-
ateXMLEventWriter() methods, such as XMLEventWriter cre-
ateXMLEventWriter(Writer writer) . These methods throw
XMLStreamException when the event-based writer cannot be created.
The following example creates an event-based writer whose destination is a file
named recipe.xml :
Writer writer = new FileWriter("recipe.xml");
XMLEventWriter xmlew = xmlof.createXMLEventWriter(writer);
Thehigh-level XMLEventWriter interfacedeclaresthe void add(XMLEvent
event) methodforaddingeventsthatdescribeinfosetitemstotheoutputstreamim-
plemented by the underlying writer. Each argument passed to event is an instance
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