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12.2 Basics of A/D Conversion
Many embedded applications deal with nonelectric quantities, such as weight, humid-
ity, pressure, massflow, airflow, temperature, light intensity, and speed. These quantities are
analog in nature because they have a continuous set of values over a given range, in con-
trast to the discrete values of digital signals. To enable the microcontroller to process these
quantities, they need to be represented in digital form; thus an analog-to-digital converter is
12.2.1 A Data Acquisition System
An A/D converter can deal only with electric voltage. A nonelectric quantity must be con-
verted into a voltage before A/D conversion can be performed. The conversion of a nonelectric
quantity to a voltage requires the use of a transducer . In general, a transducer is a device that
converts the quantity from one form to another. For example, a temperature sensor is a trans-
ducer that can convert the temperature into a voltage. A load cell is the transducer that can
convert a weight into a voltage.
A transducer may not generate an output voltage in the range suitable for A/D conversion.
A voltage scaler (or amplifier ) is often needed to amplify the transducer output voltage into a
range that can be handled by the A/D converter. The circuit that performs the scaling and shift-
ing of the transducer output is called a signal-conditioning circuit . The overall A/D process is
illustrated in Figure 12.1.
Such as a
load cell,
photocall, or
Figure 12.1 The A/D conversion process
12.2.2 Analog Voltage and Digital Code Characteristic
An ideal A/D converter should demonstrate the linear input/output relationship shown
in Figure 12.2. However, the output characteristic shown in Figure 12.2 is unrealistic be-
cause it requires the A/D converter to use an infinite number of bits to represent the con-
version result. The output characteristic of an ideal A/D converter using n bits to represent
the conversion result is shown in Figure 12.3. An n -bit A/D converter has 2 n possible out-
put code values. The area between the dotted line and the staircase is called the quanti-
zation error . The value of V DD /2 n is the resolution of this A/D converter. Using n bits to
represent the conversion result, the average conversion error is V DD /2 n 11 if the converter is
perfectly linear. For a real A/D converter, the output characteristic may have nonlinearity
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