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way as in a byte write operation. But instead of asserting a stop condition, the master transmits
up to 16 data bytes to the 24LC08B that are temporarily stored in the on-chip page buffer. These
16 data bytes will be written into the memory after the master has asserted a stop condition.
After the receipt of each byte, the 4 lower address pointer bits are internally incremented by 1.
The highest 6 bits of the byte address remain constant. Should the master transmit more than
16 bytes prior to generating the stop condition, the address counter will roll over and the previ-
ously received data will be overwritten.
11.8.4 Acknowledge Polling
When the 24LC08B is writing the data held in the write buffer into the EEPROM array, it
will not acknowledge any further write operation. This fact can be used to determine when
the cycle is completed. Once the stop condition for a write command has been issued from
the master, the device initiates the internal write cycle. The ACK polling can be initiated im-
mediately. This involve s t he master's sending a start condition followed by the control byte
for a write command (R/W 5 0). If the 24LC08B is still busy, then no ACK will be returned. If
the cycle is complete, then the device will return the ACK, and the master can then proceed
with the next read or write command. The polling process is illustrated in Figure 11.39.
write command
Send stop
condition to
initiate write cycle
Send start
Send con tro l byte
with R/W = 0
Did device
Ye s
Figure 11.39 Acknowledge polling flow
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