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5.4.4 Switch Statement
The switch statement is a multiway decision based on the value of a control expression.
The syntax of the switch statement is
switch ( expression ) {
case const_expr 1 :
statement 1 ;
case const_expr 2 :
statement 2 ;
. . .
statement n ;
As an example, consider the following program fragment:
switch (i) {
case 1:
pay 5 100;
case 2:
pay 5 200;
case 3:
pay 5 300;
case 4:
pay 5 400;
case 5:
pay 5 500;
pay 5 0;
The variable pay receives a value that is equal to the value of i 3 100 . The keyword break forces
the program flow to drop out of the switch statement so that only the statements under the cor-
responding case-label are executed. If any break statement is missing, then all the statements from
that case-label until the next break statement within the same switch statement will be executed.
5.4.5 For-Loop Statement
The syntax of a for-loop statement is
for (expr1; expr2; expr3)
where expr1 and expr3 are assignments or function calls, and expr2 is a relational expression.
For example, the following for loop computes the sum of the squares of integers from 1 to 9:
sum 5 0;
for (i 5 1; i , 10; i 11 )
sum 5 sum 1 i * i;
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