Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The City of London and Around
With the relics of old Roman walls buried beneath glistening skyscrapers, the City of Lon-
don offers an eponymous heartbeat. The name can be confusing; isn't everywhere the City
of London? This small and compact borough was where it all began, almost 2000 years ago,
and the City of London continues to be the city's financial hub. Humongous towers juxta-
pose with Victorian era charm, the borough connected by enchantingly narrow alleyways
and a complete lack of the mundane. Only the finest old buildings have survived the bull-
dozer or the WWII blitz, but they're essential stops, like St Paul's Cathedral or Tower Bridge.
The City of London offers a rich blend of the old and new, all within easy walking distance.
Travel Essentials
This is really an area for exploring on foot. By the time you descend the steps to the Under-
ground platform you could have walked to the next attraction. A whole host of stations are
within a tightly packed proximity; Bank or Monument (for central), Barbican or Liverpool
Street (for the north), Old Street or St Paul's (for the west), Holburn or Temple, (for the Hol-
burn area). Whichever way you walk you'll never be more than a couple of hundred meters
from an Underground station. The public city maps are everywhere and most attractions are
clearly marked on pedestrian signposts.
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