Chemistry Reference
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2 e
4 a 1
a 1
2p x
2p y
2p z
3 a 1
a 1
1 e
2s ( a 1 )
2 a 1
NH 3
Figure 7.22 The MO diagram for the C 3v molecule NH 3 . For clarity, the dotted lines for the
a 1 orbitals are drawn in a different style to those for the others.
N(2p x ) and N(2p y ) with their corresponding H(1s) SALCs. The final occupied orbital, 3 a 1 ,
has a large N(2p z ) character with only weak interaction with the H(1s) a 1 SALC.
The unoccupied orbitals begin at 4 a 1 , which has a larger contribution from the H(1s) a 1
SALC than the earlier a 1 MOs. Finally, the 2 e antibonding doubly degenerate levels are
the highest energy MOs.
In the case of NH 3 , a hybridization picture can be useful in understanding the bonding
scheme. We have found three a 1 valence MOs formed from linear combinations of the
functions: N(2s), N(2p z ) and the a 1 SALC of the H(1s) AOs. We can view these linear
combinations as the result of first mixing the N-centred AOs, to form sp hybrids, and
then dealing with the interaction between these hybrids and the H atom SALC. This is
consistent with the irreducible representations on the N atoms, as it will produce hybrid
orbitals that have the same a 1 symmetry. The linear combinations forming the hybrids
have to be orthogonal to one another and normalized. This can be achieved by linking the
coefficients c 1 and c 2 used in the hybrids so that
h 1 ( a 1 )
N h ( c 1 s
c 2 p z )
h 2 ( a 1 )
N h ( c 2 s
c 1 p z )
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