Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 4-1: Comparison operators.
Operator Sign
Operator Name
Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
Equal to
Not equal to
A condition is an expression that combines two values with a comparison operator
(such as < or > ) and evaluates to a Boolean value. A condition is just another name for an
expression that evaluates to True or False . You'll find a list of other comparison
operators in Table 4-1.
Conditions always evaluate to a Boolean value-either True or False . For example, the
condition in our code, guessesTaken < 6 asks "is the value stored in
guessesTaken less than the number 6 ?" If so, then the condition evaluates to True . If
not, the condition evaluates to False .
In the case of our Guess the Number program, in line 4 we stored the value 0 in
guessesTaken . Because 0 is less than 6 , this condition evaluates to the Boolean value
of True . Remember, a condition is just a name for an expression that uses comparison
operators such as < or != .
Experiment with Booleans, Comparison Operators,
and Conditions
Enter the following expressions in the interactive shell to see their Boolean results:
>>> 0 < 6
>>> 6 < 0
>>> 50 < 10
>>> 10 < 11
>>> 10 < 10
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