Game Development Reference
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machine code - The language that the computer's CPU understands. Machine code
instructions are series of ones and zeros, and is generally unreadable by humans.
Interpreters (such as the Python interpreter) translate a higher-level language into machine
methods - Functions that are associated with values of a data type. For example, the
string method upper() would be invoked on a string like this: 'Hello'.upper()
module - A separate Python program that can be included in your programs so that you
can make use of the functions in the module.
modulus operator - The "remainder" operator that is represented with a % percent
sign. For example, while 20 / 7 is 6 with a remainder of 2, 20 % 7 would evaluate to 2 .
mutable sequence - A container data type that is ordered and can have values added
or removed from it. Lists are a mutable sequence data type in Python.
negative numbers - All numbers less than 0. Negative numbers have a minus sign in
front of them to differentiate them from positive numbers, for example, -42 or -10.
nested loops - Loops that exist inside other loops.
None - The only value in the NoneType data type. "None" is often used to represent the
lack of a value.
operating system - A large program that runs other software programs (called
applications) the same way on different hardware. Windows, Mac OS, and Linux are
examples of operating systems.
operators - Operators connect values in expressions. Operators include + , - , * , / ,
and , and or
ordinal - In ASCII, the number that represents an ASCII character. For example, the
ASCII character "A" has the ordinal 65.
origin - In cartesian coordinate systems, the point at the coordinates 0, 0.
OS - see, operating system
output - The text that a program produces for the user. For example, print statements
produce output.
overwrite - To replace a value stored in a variable with a new value.
parameter - A variable that is specified to have a value passed in a function call. For
example, the statement def spam(eggs, cheese) defines a function with two
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