Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
20 - Dodger
Drawing the Player's Character
174. # Draw the player's rectangle
175. windowSurface.blit(playerImage, playerRect)
Remember that the information about the player is kept in two different variables.
playerImage is a Surface object that contains all the colored pixels that make up the
player's character's image. playerRect is a Rect object that stores the information
about the size and location of the player's character.
We call the blit() method on windowSurface and pass playerImage and
playerRect . This draws the player character's image on windowSurface at the
appropriate location.
177. # Draw each baddie
178. for b in baddies:
179. windowSurface.blit(b['surface'], b['rect'])
We use a for loop here to draw every baddie on the windowSurface object.
Remember that each item in the baddies list is a dictionary with 'surface' and
'rect' keys containing the Surface object with the baddie image and the Rect object
with the position and size information, respectively.
181. pygame.display.update()
Now that we have finished drawing everything to the windowSurface object, we
should draw this surface to the screen with a call to pygame.display.update() .
Collision Detection
183. # Check if any of the baddies have hit the
184. if playerHasHitBaddie(playerRect, baddies):
185. if score > topScore:
186. topScore = score # set new top score
187. break
Now let's check if the player has collided with any of the baddies. We already wrote a
function to check for this: playerHasHitBaddie() . This function will return True if
the player's character has collided with any of the baddies in the baddies list. Otherwise,
the function will return False .
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