Game Development Reference
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20 - Dodger
Line 138 will add the newly created baddie data structure to the list of baddie data
structures. Our program will use this list to check if the player has collided with any of the
baddies and to know where to draw baddies on the window.
Moving the Player's Character
140. # Move the player around.
141. if moveLeft and playerRect.left > 0:
142. playerRect.move_ip(-1 * PLAYERMOVERATE, 0)
The four movement variables moveLeft , moveRight , moveUp and moveDown are
set to True and False when Pygame generates the KEYDOWN and KEYUP events,
respectively. (This code is from line 86 to line 121.)
If the player's character is moving left and the left edge of the player's character is greater
than 0 (which is the left edge of the window), then we want to move the character's Rect
object (stored in playerRect ).
We will always move the playerRect object by the number of pixels in
PLAYERMOVERATE . To get the negative form of an integer, you can simply multiple it by
-1 . So on line 142, since 5 is stored in PLAYERMOVERATE , the expression -1 *
PLAYERMOVERATE evaluates to -5 .
This means that calling playerRect.move_ip(-1 * PLAYERMOVERATE, 0)
will change the location of playerRect by 5 pixels to the left of its current location.
143. if moveRight and playerRect.right < WINDOWWIDTH:
144. playerRect.move_ip(PLAYERMOVERATE, 0)
145. if moveUp and > 0:
146. playerRect.move_ip(0, -1 * PLAYERMOVERATE)
147. if moveDown and playerRect.bottom < WINDOWHEIGHT:
148. playerRect.move_ip(0, PLAYERMOVERATE)
We want to do the same thing for the other three directions: right, up, and down. Each of
the three if statements in lines 143 to 148 checks that their movement variable is set to
True and that the edge of the Rect object of the player is inside the window before
calling the move_ip() method to move the Rect object.
The pygame.mouse.set_pos() Function
150. # Move the mouse cursor to match the player.
151. pygame.mouse.set_pos(playerRect.centerx,
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