Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
17 - Graphics and Animation
positions, colors, and directions.
31. blocks = [b1, b2, b3]
On line 31 we put all of these data structures in a list, and store the list in a variable
named rectangles .
rectangles is a list. rectangles[0] would be the dictionary data structure in r1 .
rectangles[0]['color'] would be the 'color' key in r1 (which we stored the
value in RED in), so the expression rectangles[0]['color'] would evaluate to
(255, 0, 0) . In this way we can refer to any of the values in any of the block data
structures by starting with rectangles .
Running the Game Loop
33. # run the game loop
34. while True:
Inside the game loop, we want to move all of the blocks around the screen in the
direction that they are going, then bounce the block if they have hit a wall, then draw all of
the blocks to the windowSurface surface, and finally call
pygame.display.update() to draw the surface to the screen. Also, we will call
pygame.event.get() to check if the QUIT event has been generated by the user
closing the window.
The for loop to check all of the events in the list returned by pygame.event.get()
is the same as in our "Hello World!" program, so we will skip its explanation and go on to
line 44.
41. # draw the black background onto the surface
42. windowSurface.fill(BLACK)
Before we draw any of the blocks on the windowSurface surface, we want to fill the
entire surface with black so that anything we previously drew on the surface is covered.
Once we have blacked out the entire surface, we can redraw the blocks with the code
Moving Each Block
44. for b in blocks:
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