Game Development Reference
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15 - Reversi
possible moves that the computer can make. We will select the best move from this list.
219. # randomize the order of the possible moves
220. random.shuffle(possibleMoves)
First, we are going to use the random.shuffle() function to randomize the order of
moves in the possibleMoves list. Remember that the random.shuffle() function
will reorder the items in the list that you pass to it. The function also modifies the list
directly, much like our resetBoard() function does with the game board data structure.
We will explain why we want to shuffle the possibleMoves list, but first let's look at
our algorithm.
Corner Moves are the Best Moves
222. # always go for a corner if available.
223. for x, y in possibleMoves:
224. if isOnCorner(x, y):
225. return [x, y]
First, we loop through every move in possibleMoves and if any of them are on the
corner, we return that as our move. Corner moves are a good idea because once a tile has
been placed on the corner, it can never be flipped over. Since possibleMoves is a list of
two-item lists, we use the multiple assignment trick in our for loop to set x and y .
Because we immediately return on finding the first corner move in possibleMoves ,
if possibleMoves contains multiple corner moves we always go with the first one. But
since possibleMoves was shuffled on line 220, it is completely random which corner
move is first in the list.
Get a List of the Best Scoring Moves
227. # Go through all the possible moves and remember the
best scoring move
228. bestScore = -1
229. for x, y in possibleMoves:
230. dupeBoard = getBoardCopy(board)
231. makeMove(dupeBoard, computerTile, x, y)
232. score = getScoreOfBoard(dupeBoard)[computerTile]
233. if score > bestScore:
234. bestMove = [x, y]
235. bestScore = score
236. return bestMove
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