Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
see a parameter named board, that parameter variable is meant to be this list of lists
board data structure.
Importing Other Modules
1. # Reversi
3. import random
4. import sys
We import the random module for its randint() and choice() functions and the
sys module for its exit() function.
Drawing the Board Data Structure on the Screen
6. def drawBoard(board):
7. # This function prints out the board that it was
passed. Returns None.
8. HLINE = ' +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+'
9. VLINE = ' | | | | | | | | |'
11. print(' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8')
12. print(HLINE)
The drawBoard() function will print out the current game board based on the data
structure in board. Notice that each square of the board looks like this:
| |
| X |
| |
Since we are going to print the string with the horizontal line (and plus signs at the
intersections) over and over again, we will store that in a constant variable named HLINE .
There are also lines above and below the very center of X or O tile that are nothing but '|'
characters (called "pipe" characters) with three spaces in between. We will store this string
in a constant named VLINE .
Line 11 is the first print() function call executed, and it prints out the labels for the
X-axis along the top of the board. Line 12 prints the top horizontal line of the board.
13. for y in range(8):
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