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14 - Caesar Cipher
Do you wish to encrypt or decrypt or brute force a
Enter your message:
Lwcjba uig vwb jm xtmiaivb, jcb kmzbiqvbg qa ijaczl.
Your translated text is:
1 Kvbiaz thf uva il wslhzhua, iba jlyahpuaf pz hizbyk.
2 Juahzy sge tuz hk vrkgygtz, haz ikxzgotze oy ghyaxj.
3 Itzgyx rfd sty gj uqjfxfsy, gzy hjwyfnsyd nx fgxzwi.
4 Hsyfxw qec rsx fi tpiewerx, fyx givxemrxc mw efwyvh.
5 Grxewv pdb qrw eh sohdvdqw, exw fhuwdlqwb lv devxug.
6 Fqwdvu oca pqv dg rngcucpv, dwv egtvckpva ku cduwtf.
7 Epvcut nbz opu cf qmfbtbou, cvu dfsubjouz jt bctvse.
8 Doubts may not be pleasant, but certainty is absurd.
9 Cntasr lzx mns ad okdzrzms, ats bdqszhmsx hr zartqc.
10 Bmszrq kyw lmr zc njcyqylr, zsr acpryglrw gq yzqspb.
11 Alryqp jxv klq yb mibxpxkq, yrq zboqxfkqv fp xyproa.
12 Zkqxpo iwu jkp xa lhawowjp, xqp yanpwejpu eo wxoqnz.
13 Yjpwon hvt ijo wz kgzvnvio, wpo xzmovdiot dn vwnpmy.
14 Xiovnm gus hin vy jfyumuhn, von wylnuchns cm uvmolx.
15 Whnuml ftr ghm ux iextltgm, unm vxkmtbgmr bl tulnkw.
16 Vgmtlk esq fgl tw hdwsksfl, tml uwjlsaflq ak stkmjv.
17 Uflskj drp efk sv gcvrjrek, slk tvikrzekp zj rsjliu.
18 Tekrji cqo dej ru fbuqiqdj, rkj suhjqydjo yi qrikht.
19 Sdjqih bpn cdi qt eatphpci, qji rtgipxcin xh pqhjgs.
20 Rciphg aom bch ps dzsogobh, pih qsfhowbhm wg opgifr.
21 Qbhogf znl abg or cyrnfnag, ohg pregnvagl vf nofheq.
22 Pagnfe ymk zaf nq bxqmemzf, ngf oqdfmuzfk ue mnegdp.
23 Ozfmed xlj yze mp awpldlye, mfe npceltyej td lmdfco.
24 Nyeldc wki xyd lo zvokckxd, led mobdksxdi sc klcebn.
25 Mxdkcb vjh wxc kn yunjbjwc, kdc lnacjrwch rb jkbdam.
26 Lwcjba uig vwb jm xtmiaivb, jcb kmzbiqvbg qa ijaczl.
After looking over each row, you can see that the 8th message is not garbage, but plain
English! The cryptanalyst can deduce that the original key for this encrypted text must have
been 8 . This brute force would have been difficult to do back in the days of Caesars and the
Roman Empire, but today we have computers that can quickly go through millions or even
billions of keys in a short time. You can even write a program that can recognize when it
has found a message in English, so you don't have read through all the garbage text.
Summary: Reviewing Our Caesar Cipher Program
Computers are very good at doing mathematics. When we create a system to translate
some piece of information into numbers (such as we do with text and ASCII or with space
and coordinate systems), computer programs can process these numbers very quickly and
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