Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Summary: Using this Math in Games
This hasn't been too much math to learn for programming. In fact, most programming
does not require understanding a lot of math. Up until this chapter, we have been getting by
on simple addition and multiplication.
Cartesian coordinate systems are needed to describe exactly where in a two dimensional
area a certain position is. Coordinates are made up of two numbers: the X-coordinate and
the Y-coordinate. The X-axis runs left and right and the Y-axis runs up and down. On a
computer screen (and in most computer programming), the X-axis starts at 0 at the left side
and increases on the way to the right. The Y-axis starts at 0 on the top of the screen and
increases on the way down.
For the rest of the topic, we will use the concepts we learned in this chapter in our games
because they have two dimensional areas in them. All graphical games require
understanding how Cartesian coordinates work.
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