Game Development Reference
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9 - Hangman
A while Loop Equivalent of a for Loop
The for loop is very similar to the while loop, but when you only need to iterate over
items in a list, using a for loop is much less code to type. You can make a while loop
that acts the same way as a for loop by adding extra code:
>>> sequence = ['cats', 'pasta', 'programming',
>>> index = 0
>>> while (index < len(sequence)):
... thing = sequence[index]
... print('I really like ' + thing)
... index = index + 1
I really like cats
I really like pasta
I really like programming
I really like spam
But using the for statement automatically does all this extra code for us and makes
programming easier since we have less to type. Our Hangman game will use for loops so
you can see how useful they are in real games.
One more thing about for loops, is that the for statement has the in keyword in it. But
when you use the in keyword in a for statement, Python does not treat it like the in
operator you would use in something like 42 in [0, 42, 67] . The in keyword in
for statements is just used to separate the variable and the list it gets its values from.
The rest of the displayBoard() function displays the missed letters and creates the
string of the secret word with all the unguessed letters as blanks.
print('Missed letters:', end=' ')
for letter in missedLetters:
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