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9 - Hangman
much like the while loops we have already seen).
for Loops
The for loop is very good at looping over a list of values. This is different from the
while loop, which loops as long as a certain condition is true. A for statement begins
with the for keyword, followed by a variable, followed by the in keyword, followed by a
sequence (such as a list or string) or a range object (returned by the range() function),
and then a colon. Each time the program execution goes through the loop (that is, on each
iteration through the loop) the variable in the for statement takes on the value of the next
item in the list.
For example, you just learned that the range() function will return a list of integers.
We will use this list as the for statement's list. In the shell, type for i in range
(10): and press Enter. Nothing will happen, but the shell will indent the cursor, because it
is waiting for you to type in the for-block. Type print(i) and press Enter. Then, to tell
the interactive shell you are done typing in the for-block, press Enter again to enter a blank
line. The shell will then execute your for statement and block:
>>> for i in range(10):
... print(i)
Notice that with for loops, you do not need to convert the range object returned by the
range() function into a list with list() . For loops do this for us automatically.
The for loop executes the code inside the for-block once for each item in the list. Each
time it executes the code in the for-block, the variable i is assigned the next value of the
next item in the list. If we used the for statement with the list [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9] instead of range(10) , it would have been the same since the range()
function's return value is the same as that list:
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