Game Development Reference
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9 - Hangman
>>> 'Hello world'.upper()
Because the upper() method returns a string, you can call a method on that string as
well. Try typing 'Hello world!'.upper().lower() into the shell:
>>> 'Hello world'.upper().lower()
'hello world!'
'Hello world!'.upper() evaluates to the string 'HELLO WORLD!' , and then
we call that string's lower() method. This returns the string 'hello world!' , which
is the final value in the evaluation. The order is important. 'Hello world!'.lower
().upper() is not the same as 'Hello world!'.upper().lower() :
>>> 'Hello world'.lower().upper()
Remember, if a string is stored in a variable, you can call a string method on that
variable. Look at this example:
>>> fizz = 'Hello world'
>>> fizz.upper()
The reverse() and append() List Methods
The list data type also has methods. The reverse() method will reverse the order of
the items in the list. Try entering spam = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'meow',
'woof'] , and then spam.reverse() to reverse the list. Then enter spam to view the
contents of the variable.
>>> spam = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'meow', 'woof']
>>> spam.reverse()
>>> spam
['woof', 'meow', 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
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