Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Topics Covered In This Chapter:
— Methods
— The append() list method
— The lower() and upper() string methods
— The reverse() list method
— The split() string method
— The range() function
— The list() function
— for loops
— elif statements
— The startswith() and endswith() string methods.
— The dictionary data type.
— key-value pairs
— The keys() and values() dictionary methods
— Multiple variable assignment, such as a, b, c = [1, 2, 3]
This game introduces many new concepts. But don't worry; we'll experiment with these
programming concepts in the interactive shell first. Some data types such as strings and
lists have functions that are associated with their values called methods. We will learn
several different methods that can manipulate strings and lists for us. We will also learn
about a new type of loop called a for loop and a new type of data type called a dictionary.
Once you understand these concepts, it will be much easier to understand the game in this
chapter: Hangman.
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