Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
8 - Flow Charts
| |
O |
| |
Missed letters: or
_ a t
Guess a letter.
You have already guessed that letter. Choose again.
Guess a letter.
Yes! The secret word is "cat"! You have won!
Do you want to play again? (yes or no)
Half of the lines of code in the Hangman program aren't really code at all, but are multiline
strings that use keyboard characters to draw pictures. This type of graphics is called ASCII
art (pronounced "ask-ee"), because keyboard characters (such as letters, numbers, and also
all the other signs on the keyboard) are called ASCII characters. ASCII stands for
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (we'll learn more about it in the
Caesar Cipher chapter). Here are a couple cats done in ASCII art:
^___^ __________________
| ) _____/ xx xxx \_____
|. . ) _/xxx xx xxx xxx \__
( v ) __/ xxx xxx xx xxx \__
\____ | /xxxxxxxxx xx xx xx xx xxx\
| \ / xx /\ xx xx\
| | / / \ x xx \
| \ | /\ | \ xx x\
| | | | | \ | \____ Z x \
| | | \ | | \____/ \ z xxx |
| | | |-. | | \ z |
| | | ____/ | \/ \ \
((((()(______/ / ____/ | |
__| \____ | xxx|
/ | ___ ___------- __/ x|
/ | | | _______ ____/ |
| o\ -------- \_/ _/ ___/ xx /
|oo \ _____/ _/______/ xx/
\ \__ __/ xx /
\ \______________/ x_/
\ /
\____ _______/
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