Agriculture Reference
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First, there was a set of demand-side factors that determined demand for processed
foods and transaction-cost saving in retail shopping. Important among these were
incomegrowthandemergenceofmiddleclasses(Ravallion2010),urbanization,1 and
women entering the outside-home labor force. The ability of consumers to use modern
retail in turn was enabled by the diffusion of refrigerators and vehicles, as well as better
Second, there were two sets of policy interventions partially driving transformation.
On the one hand, there were public investments in wholesale markets, logistics plat-
forms, processing parastatals, and state retail chains. These operated mainly in the
1960s-1980s(butsomecontinuedbeyondthat)andinvolved: (a) heavyinvestmentby
governments in public wholesale markets, first for grains, and then for produce, meat,
andish;(b) heavyinvestmentbygovernmentsinparastatalsthathadwholesale(pro-
grain stores in China, and so on. This development also gave rise to public certification
of or operation of slaughterhouses.
heseinterventionsweredrivenbybothcontextandperceptions: (a) therecurrence
offood-securitycriseswasperceivedtobelinkedtodistributionconstraints;(b) rapid
straints and vicissitudes, and required the efficient delivery of volumes, much larger
thaninthepast,offoodtourbanareas;(c) rapidriseinincomes(intheirstandsecond
meat,ish,fruitsandvegetables,anddairy;(d) perceptionthatsupplychainsfromrural
areas were fragmented and traditional (with what would later be termed “high trans-
that urban markets were poorly served by a smattering of truck markets and small grain
Third, there was a set of supply-side factors grouped around investment into the
segments. The surplus for this investment came first from colonial enterprises (for the
relative saturation in sending countries (South Korean retailers into China, Thai proces-
ment sites, itself a function of the aforementioned two sets of factors.
Fourth, there was a set of supply-side factors grouped around production- and
procurement-system modernization by modern-sector irms in the three seg-
ments, which created efficiency gains that further increased their competitiveness
vis a vis traditional firms. These included investment in scale of production to reap
economies of scale and scope in processing, marketing, and procurement, and in
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