Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
downatleastthreegenerationsoftheplantwithenduring97to100 percentefective-
ness. Extensive multiyear health and biosafety tests failed to find any negative effects on
humanhealthortheenvironment(Sakuanrungsirikulet al.2004).Norwereanynega-
tive effects identified on pollinators or on beneficial insects or predatory mites, and no
differences were observed in soil microbes around GE or non-GE plants.
Allergenicity risks were also assessed and came up negative. The feeding behav-
iors of rats were studied and found to be equivalent between rats fed GE and those fed
non-GE papaya. The nutritional profiles of GE and non-GE papaya were assessed and
alsofoundtobeequivalent(Sakuanrungsirikulet al.2004).heissueofgenelowwas
also judged to be of minimal concern: Most cultivated papaya plants are self-pollinated,
and even in the worst case of outcrossing the result would be other papaya acquiring
virus resistance; not necessarily a negative outcome for farmers. Moreover, it was argued
that in Thailand no risk to wild relatives should exist, as Carica papaya 'sclosestrelated
genus, Vasconcellea , has its center of origin in the Andes, far away from the fields of Thai
Greenpeace Challenges Deployment
The greatest challenge facing those charged with introducing virus-resistant transgenic
into Thailand, however, turned out to be not a technical but a political one. Greenpeace,
the multinational nongovernmental organization (NGO) based in the Netherlands,
took an early decision to drop the wider Greenpeace campaign for forest protection and
focus instead on an anti-GMO campaign, an effort that was identified as having a higher
newly transformed virus-resistant papaya was identified as a campaigning target given
that it would represent the first GE crop proposed to be grown in the country.
suits, goggles, and respiratory masks traveled to Khon Kaen research station and used
tal GE papaya field trial. Having already alerted local and national television and print
media, photographers recorded powerful and emotive images of gloved hands transfer-
large yellow banners that read, in both Thai and English, “Stop GMO Field Trials.”
cally uprooting GE papaya crops in order to raise attention to its concerns. The orga-
removed from the Khon Kaen station and they were in unregulated use by Thai farmers.
This revelation established a clear media and political narrative for the issue as concern-
ing the unexpected and uncontrolled “contamination” of GE materials becoming wide-
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