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topological obstructions, we proved “eventual contraction” (i.e. contraction after
some finite time for almost any initial condition) in the special case where A is
symmetric. Without this assumption, Oja flow, and thus the low-rank Riccati flow,
do not necessarily converge.
The filter proposed in this paper requires a reduced number of numerical operations
and storage capacity. It would be of interest to test its efficiency in a particular
large-scale application and to evaluate its relative merits with respect to alternative
approaches that focus on sparsity of the covariance matrix (e.g. [ 22 ]).
Acknowledgments This paper presents research partially supported by the Belgian Programme
on Inter-university Poles of Attraction, initiated by the Belgian State, Prime Minister's Office for
Science, Technology and Culture. The research was partially completed while the second author
was visiting Mines Paris-Tech as an invited professor.
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