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10. The information associated with a description depends on an observer's ability
to draw inferences from this description.
“Necessity” arises from the ability to make infallible deductions.
“Chance” arises from the inability to make infallible inductions.
The environment contains no information. The environment is as it is.
12. The environment is experienced as the residence of objects, stationary, in
motion, or changing (Proposition 1).
1. Maturana, H.: Neurophysiology of Cognition in Cognition: A Multiple View ,P.
Garvin (ed.), Spartan Books, New York, pp. 3-23, (1970).
2. Maturana, H.: Biology of Cognition , BCL Report No. 9.0, Biological Computer
Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana,
95 pp., (1970).
3. Wittgenstein, L.: Tractatus Logico Philosophicus , Humanities Press, New York,
4. Langer, S.: Philosophy in a New Key , New American Library, New York, (1951).
5. Konorski, J.: The Role of Central Factors in Differentiation in Information Pro-
cessing in the Nervous System , R. W. Gerard and J. W. Duyff (eds.), Excerpta
Medica Foundation, Amsterdam, 3, pp. 318-329, (1962).
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