Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 21 Determining the optimal hybridization temperature using the VideoScan HCU.
a GAPDH-cap, b MLC-2v-cap and c SERCA2-cap as negative control were simultaneously
analyzed at 20 C(j), 40 C(d), 50 C(m) and 65 C(r). The hybridization efficiency H [%]
(Eq. 3 ) is plotted versus the time in minutes
In conclusion, the critical parameters rate, stringency and efficiency of
hybridization reactions can be measured using VideoScan, thereby allowing the
optimization of diagnostic DNA detection assays.
7 Conclusions
VideoScan is a microscope-based technology platform suitable for real-time,
multiplex and multipurpose bioanalytical analysis. It can perform real-time PCR
including melting curve analysis—two features that turn the VideoScan into a real-
time PCR machine. Microbead assays using nucleic acid or protein/peptide capture
probes can be performed in a multiplex format allowing the simultaneous mea-
surement of several analytes, thus reducing reagent and sample consumption and
also processing time. Temperatures can be precisely modulated throughout the
experiment using the HCU, enabling kinetic measurements of DNA hybridization.
On the other hand, its image processing capabilities enlarge the spectrum of
applications for VideoScan allowing high content screening of autoimmune anti-
bodies or bacterial colony formation on the surface of eukaryotic cells (data not
shown). From an operator's perspective, the possibility of using standard equip-
ment and cheap consumables might be as much appreciated as the ease of
designing and adapting VideoScan assay formats for individual needs. It is this
adaptiveness and versatility that gives VideoScan a competitive edge over other
bioanalytical technologies. Considering all the applications described, VideoScan
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