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7.4 Selective-Forwarding Attack in WSN
Many routing protocols in WSN use a breadth-first spanning-tree algorithm to broad-
cast routing updates (Newsome et al. 2004; Kuo-Feng et al. 2009). The sink node
periodically broadcasts updated routing information to its immediate cluster heads.
Then, these cluster heads re-broadcast this information to their immediate neighbors,
and the process continues recursively. During this process, each intermediate node
makes a note of its parent node, where the parent node is the first node that was able
to make contact with its subordinate node and relay the routing information. When
all the active nodes are operational, they should send all the sensed data to their parent
node. However, this protocol is vulnerable to many attacks.
7.4.1 ID-Based Routing in WSN
We now review the ID-based routing method proposed by Lu et al. (2010). Preliminaries
The security of this protocol is based on the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem, which,
in turn, leads to the fact that the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) for pairings is a
hard problem.
Let p and q be two large primes and let E be an elliptic curve defined over a finite
field F p . Furthermore, let G 1 be a q -order subgroup of the additive group of points in
E/F p , and G 2 be a q -order subgroup of the multiplicative group in the finite field F p .
Let there be a pairing e: G 1 × G 1 G 2 , which is a bilinear map satisfying the follow-
ing properties : bilinear, nondegeneracy, and computability. Examples of such pairings
include the Weil and Tate pairing discussed in Chapter 3. Network Architecture and Operation Mechanism
In this model, the network architecture is assumed to be static and homogenous in
functionalities and capabilities. The sink is assumed to be reliable and tamper resis-
tant, whereas the sensor nodes are subject to all the attacks mentioned in Chapter 2.
In addition, the architecture is hierarchical, wherein the ordinary nodes send data to
their respective cluster heads, which, in turn, aggregate and preprocess the data before
forwarding it to the sink node. Similar to the LEACH model, this model also assumes a
symmetric radio channel between the communicating nodes and has the same energy-
dissipation levels. Similar to the LEACH model, the cluster head selection is done in a
randomized fashion and is performed in the set-up phase, as shown in Figure 7.3.
In each round, cluster heads are selected in the set-up phase, and in each frame, a
sensor node transmits the data to its respective cluster head. In addition, non-cluster
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