Database Reference
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The single-column index
The single-column index is utilized when a table represents mostly a single
category of data, or queries span around only a single category in the table.
Normally, in a database design, tables represent a single category of data, so
generally a single-column (category) index is utilized. Its syntax is as follows:
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column);
Take a look at the following example:
warehouse_db=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item WHERE item_id = 100;
(1 row)
Time: 201.206 ms
In this example, the rows are required where item_id is 100 . If there is no index
deined, then the whole table will be scanned to ind the rows where item_id is 100 ,
which is an expensive operation. If you look closely, only a single column is utilized
in the WHERE clause, thereby creating an index on a single column, which is item_id
in the case of the preceding query. This optimizes that query.
Now, consider the following example:
warehouse_db=# CREATE INDEX item_index ON item (item_id);
The result can be seen using the following statement:
warehouse_db=# \d item;
Table "item"
Column | Type | Modifiers
item_id | integer | not null
item_name | text |
item_price | numeric |
item_data | text |
"item_index" btree (item_id)
Now, we have created a B-tree index, item_index , on a table item's item_id column,
so now we try the same SELECT query again and see how much time it takes after
index creation.
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