Database Reference
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An index can be created utilizing a single column or multiple columns of a table.
Once the index is created, then there is no further intervention needed; the index
will be automatically updated on each DML operation on the table. After creating
the index, it is the planner's decision to utilize the index in lieu of sequential scans
based on cost.
When PostgreSQL executes a query, it must choose an execution
strategy. The planner is the piece of software that is in charge of
establishing the best strategy to perform an eficient search.
Suppose we have a table named item that contains columns of item_id , item_name ,
item_price , and item_data and contains millions of rows. Let's connect to the
warehouse_db database via the psql command-line utility and create the item table
in the following manner:
warehouse_db=# CREATE TABLE item
item_name TEXT,
item_price NUMERIC,
item_data TEXT
The result can be seen using the following statement:
warehouse_db=# SELECT item_name FROM item WHERE item_id = 100;
If we want to get the details of a speciic item using the preceding query, then the
whole table should be scanned to ind the item whose item_id is 100 , which is a
serious performance issue. This problem can be solved using indexes.
The EXPLAIN QUERY command can be used to check which scan will be
used for the query. This can be explained with the following example:
warehouse_db=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM table_name;
Seq Scan on table_name
(cost=10000000000.00..10000000001.01 rows=1 width=76)
Planning time: 0.071 ms
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