Database Reference
In-Depth Information
count integer := 0;
table_records RECORD;
FOR table_records IN EXECUTE query
count := count + 1;
RETURN count;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
When we ran a query against this function on the warehouse_tbl table, it counts the
rows brought by the SELECT query.
warehouse_db=# SELECT for_loop_query('SELECT * FROM
(1 row)
Exception handling
To err is coder!
People make mistakes everywhere, and programming is no exception to it. PL/
pgSQL has so far shown that it contains strengths of a programming language, and it
did not leave its users with a void when it comes to error handling.
Implementing RAISE statements takes care of error handling in an eficient manner
with the options of NOTICE , DEBUG , and EXCEPTION . By deining the level of issues
it should raise, it sends information to be displayed and logs it in PostgreSQL logs,
which are usually in /var/log/messages .
The RAISE statement is a statement and allowed in the statements section of a PL/
pgSQL block.
The syntax for a RAISE statement is as follows:
RAISE NOTICE|DEBUG|EXCEPTION ''your message string'';
The following is an example of a simple RAISE statement:
IF ( a is not an int ) then
Return a;
Raise NOTICE 'a is integer, enter string';
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