Database Reference
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interval [fields] [(p)] : This is used to represent the time span.
json : This is used to store the textual JSON data. Such data can also be stored
as text, but the JSON data types have the advantage of enforcing that each
stored value is valid according to the JSON rules. There are also assorted
JSON-speciic functions and operators available for data stored in these
data types.
jsonb : This is used to store binary JSON data.
line : This is used to represent the ininite line in a plane.
lseg : This is used to store data of a line segment on a plane.
macaddr : This is used to store MAC addresses.
money : This data type is used to store the currency amount.
numeric[(p,s)] : This is used to store a numeric of selectable precision. It is
represented by the decimal [(p,s)] keyword. The s parameter is used to
represent the scale. The scale of a numeric is the count of decimal digits in the
fractional part, to the right of the decimal point. The p parameter is used to
represent precision. The precision of a numeric is the total count of signiicant
digits in the whole number, that is, the number of digits to both sides of the
decimal point. So, the number 23.5141 has a precision of 6 and a scale of 4.
path : This is used to store a geomantic path on a plane.
pg_lsn : This is used to store a PostgreSQL log sequence number.
points : This is used to store a geometric point on a plane.
polygon : This is used to store a closed geometric path on a plane.
real : This is used to store a single precision, loating-point number of 4
bytes. It is represented by the float4 keyword.
smallint : This is used to store a signed 2-byte integer. It is represented
by the int2 keyword.
smallserial : This is used to store an auto incrementing 2-byte integer.
It is represented by the serial2 keyword.
serial : This is used to store an auto incrementing 4-byte integer. It is
represented by the serial4 keyword.
text : This data type is used to store a variable length character string.
time[(p)][without time zone] : This is used to store the time of the day
without a time zone.
time[(p)] with time zone : This is used to store the time of the day with a
time zone.
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