Database Reference
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PostgreSQL's supported data types
PostgreSQL is very vast when it comes to supporting different data types. Apart
from existing data types, a user can add new data types in PostgreSQL. In order to
add new data types, a user can use the CREATE TYPE command. The following list
shows a number of built-in data types that are supported by PostgreSQL.
Let's go through all the supported data types one by one:
bigint : This is a signed 8-byte integer, and it is represented as int8 .
bigserial : This is an auto incrementing 8-byte integer represented by
the serial8 keyword.
bit[(n)] : This is a ixed length bit string and is represented by the
bit keyword.
bit varying [(n)] : This is a variable length bit string and is represented
by the varbit keyword.
boolean : This is a logical Boolean expression and has the true or false
value. It is represented by the bool keyword.
box : This is a rectangular box on a plane and is represented by the box
bytea : This is binary data stored in the form of a byte array and is
represented by the bytea keyword.
character [(n)] : This is a ixed length character string, and it is
represented by the char[(n)] keyword, where n represents the length
of the string.
character varying[(n)] : This is a variable length character string, which is
represented by the varchar[(n)] keyword.
cidr : This is used to store the IPv4 and IPv6 network addresses.
It is represented by the cidr keyword.
circle : This is a circle on a plane, and it is represented by the
circle keyword.
date : This is a calendar date, which includes the year, month, and day.
double Precision : This is a loating-point number of 8 bytes. It is
represented by the float8 keyword.
inet : This is used to store the IPv4 or IPv6 host addresses. The essential
difference between the inet and cidr data types is that inet accepts values
with nonzero bits to the right of the net mask, whereas cidr does not.
integer : This is a signed 4-byte integer. It is represented by the int and
int4 keywords.
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