Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Using the following command, you can log in to the default database
with the user postgres and you will be able to see the following on your
command line:
psql (9.4beta1)
Type "help" for help
You can then create a new database called warehouse_db using the following
statement in the terminal:
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE warehouse_db;
You can then connect with the warehouse_db database using the
following command:
postgres=# \c warehouse_db
You are now connected to the warehouse_db database as the user postgres ,
and you will have the following warehouse_db shell:
Let's summarize what we have achieved so far. We are now able to connect with the
default database postgres and created a warehouse_db database successfully. It's
now time to actually write queries using psql and perform some Data Deinition
Language ( DDL ) and Data Manipulation Language ( DML ) operations, which we
will cover in the following sections.
In PostgreSQL, we can have multiple databases. Inside the databases, we can have
multiple extensions and schemas. Inside each schema, we can have database objects
such as tables, views, sequences, procedures, and functions.
We are irst going to create a schema named record and then we will create some
tables in this schema. To create a schema named record in the warehouse_db
database, use the following statement:
warehouse_db=# CREATE SCHEMA record;
Creating, altering, and truncating a table
In this section, we will learn about creating a table, altering the table deinition,
and truncating the table.
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