Database Reference
In-Depth Information
pg_prewarm | prewarm relation data
btree_gist | support for indexing common data types in
| GiST
test_shm_mq | test code for shared memory message queues
seg | data type for representing line segments or
| floating-point intervals
autoinc | functions for auto incrementing fields
postgres_fdw | foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL
| servers
chkpass | data type for auto-encrypted passwords
pgcrypto | cryptographic functions
mysql_fdw | foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL
| server
earthdistance | calculate great-circle distances on the
| surface of the Earth
moddatetime | functions for tracking last modification
| time
citext | data type for case-insensitive character
| strings
plpgsql | PL/pgSQL procedural language
pg_freespacemap | examine the free space map (FSM)
tablefunc | functions that manipulate whole tables,
| including crosstab
dblink | connect to other PostgreSQL databases from
| within a database
intarray | functions, operators, and index support for
| 1-D arrays of integers
pgstattuple | show tuple-level statistics
pg_buffercache | examine the shared buffer cache
tsearch2 | compatibility package for pre-8.3 text
| search functions
lo | large Object maintenance
hstore | data type for storing sets of (key, value)
| pairs
unaccent | text search dictionary that removes accents
btree_gin | support for indexing common data types in
pg_trgm | text similarity measurement and index
| searching based on trigrams
refint | functions for implementing referential
| integrity (obsolete)
cube | data type for multidimensional cubes
test_parser | example of a custom parser for full-text
| search
file_fdw | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
Let's discuss some of these extensions one by one.
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