Database Reference
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-> Seq Scan on history (cost=0.00..1934580.00
rows=100000000 width=46) (actual
time=40.652..179067.049 rows=100000000 loops=1)
Planning time: 0.139 ms
Execution time: 441057.294 ms
(6 rows)
In the preceding example, Sort Method is 5474096kB , so deining a bigger
value for work_mem improves the performance of the sort.
maintenance_workmem : The memory used for maintenance work can be
conigured by utilizing the maintenance_workmem parameter. The default
value is 16 MB. Increasing the value can increment the performance of
the maintenance jobs such as CREATE INDEX , VACUUM , and REINDEX . The
following statement gives the value of maintenance_work_mem :
warehouse_db=# SHOW maintenance_work_mem;
effective_cache_size : This parameter is used to set the estimated memory
available for the operating system cache. The following statement shows the
resulting value of effective_cache_size :
warehouse_db=# SHOW effective_cache_size;
(1 row)
checkpoint_segments : This parameter is used to control the checkpoint.
It designates a checkpoint after the checkpoint_segments log ile is illed,
which is customarily 16 MB in size. The default value is 3. Increasing the
value reduces the disk I/O, which is deinitely a performance boost, and this
also increases the crash recovery time. The following statement shows the
default value of checkpoint_segments :
warehouse_db=# SHOW checkpoint_segments;
(1 row)
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