Database Reference
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Coniguration parameters to optimize
Like other databases, PostgreSQL has coniguration parameters that can be
conigured permanently or session predicated. The postgresql.conf ile is
utilized to conigure most of the coniguration parameters. We will only discuss
the parameters that can affect the performance. They are as follows:
work_mem : The disk I/O is the dominant cost factor in queries; if case
queries involve a large number of complex sorts, then it can increment the
disk access. If the system has lots of recollection, then the database should
perform the in-recollection sorting to reduce the disk read. The work_mem
coniguration parameter is utilized to determine when the sorting will be
performed in a recollection or the disk sort will be utilized. If we have lots of
recollection, then the work_mem parameter should be set to the optimal value
so that every sort can be performed in-recollection. The work_mem parameter
is per connection for each sort; this makes it authentically hard to set the
value of work_mem . The default value of work_mem is 4 MB. This can be seen
using the following statement:
warehouse_db=# show work_mem;
The size of work_mem is applied to every sort performed by each connection,
which makes it very hard to set the optimal value of this parameter. So, be
careful while setting this parameter
The memory used by work_mem uses the following formula:
Memory used for by work_mem = work_mem * max_connections *
(number of sort per query)
Let's consider the following example of work_mem :
warehouse_db=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM record.history
ORDER by history_id;
Sort (cost=24450815.88..24700815.88 rows=100000000
width=46) (actual time=322234.459..435479.723
rows=100000000 loops=1)
Sort Key: history_id
Sort Method: external sort Disk: 5474096kB
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