Database Reference
In-Depth Information
To know more about MVCC, check out
current/static/mvcc-intro.html .
Dump and restore
In the case of bloating, the simplest way of prevention is to back up the table
utilizing pg_dump , drop the table, and reload the data into the initial table.
This is an expensive operation and sometimes seems too restrictive.
Vacuuming the table using the VACUUM command is another solution that can be
used to ix the bloat. The VACUUM command reshufles the rows to ensure that the
page is as full as possible, but database ile shrinking only happens when there are
100 percent empty pages at the end of the ile. This is the only case where VACUUM is
useful to reduce the bloat. Its syntax is as follows:
VACUUM table_name
The following example shows the usage of VACUUM on the item table:
warehouse_db=# VACUUM item;
The other way of using VACUUM is as follows:
warehouse_db=# VACUUM FULL item;
As we discussed previously, rewriting and reordering of rows can ix the issue that
can be indirectly achieved using dump/restore, but this is an expensive operation.
The other way to do this is the CLUSTER command, which is used to physically
reorder rows based on the index. The CLUSTER command is used to create a whole
initial copy of the table and the old copy of the data is dropped. The CLUSTER
command requires enough space, virtually twice the disk space, to hold the initial
organized copy of the data. Its syntax is as follows:
CLUSTER table_name USING index_name
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