Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Claire Hargreaves Snowfields: The War on Cocaine in the Andes (Zed/Holmes & Meier).
Detailed journalistic account from the frontline of the war on drugs during the coca boom of
the 1980s.
Olivia Harris To Make the Earth Bear Fruit: Ethnographic Essays on Fertility, Work and
Gender in Highland Bolivia (ILAS). Collection of ethnographic essays exploring the culture
and everyday lives of the deeply traditional ayllus of the northern Potosí department.
Kevin Healy Llamas, Weavings and Organic Chocolate: Multicultural Grassroots Devel-
opment in the Andes and Amazon of Bolivia (Kellogg Institute). Intriguing portrait of nine
different rural development projects - including one that led to the renaissance of traditional
weaving techniques in Sucre - that have used imaginative and culturally appropriate ap-
proaches to tackle poverty in Bolivia.
John Hemming The Conquest of the Incas (Papermac/Harvest Books). The authoritative ac-
count of the Spanish conquest, combining academic attention to detail and excellent use of
contemporary sources with a compelling narrative style.
Herbert S. Klein Bolivia, the Evolution of a Multi-Ethnic Society (Oxford). The best
English-language history of Bolivia from the arrival of early man to the present day: concise,
detailed and clearly written, if a little dry.
Alan Kolata Valley of the Spirits: a Journey into the Lost Realm of the Aymara (Wiley).
Lively account of the rise and fall of Tiwanaku by the archeologist who has done most to
reveal its secrets.
Anne Meadows Digging Up Butch and Sundance (Nebraska). Engaging tale of an adven-
turous quest to solve the mystery of what really happened to the infamous North American
outlaws - were they really killed by police in Bolivia and buried in the bleak mining camp of
San Vicente?
June Nash We Eat the Mines and the Mines Eat Us (Columbia). Fascinating and sensitive
anthropological study of the daily lives of the miners of Potosí and the deeply rooted customs
and beliefs that help them survive tremendous hardships.
Leo Spitzer Hotel Bolivia: The Culture of Memory in a Refuge from Nazism (Hill & Wang).
Thoughtful account of the little-known history of the thousands of Jews who fled to Bolivia
with the rise of the Nazis in Europe, forming a refugee community that never felt quite at
home, and which has since largely migrated to Israel.
Steve J. Stern (ed) Resistance, Rebellion, and Consciousness in the Andean Peasant
World (Wisconsin). Absorbing collection of richly detailed historical essays on Quechua and
Aymara insurrections and uprisings, ranging from the Great Rebellion of the late eighteenth
century to the radical peasant politics of today.
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