Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The city's best religious art, sculpture and silverware is tucked away in the Museo de Arte
Sacro , whose entrance is just to the right of the cathedral's altar. There are some beautiful
eighteenth-century mestizo-Baroque wood carvings of saints, including a magnificent San-
tiago Matamoros (St James the Moor-slayer), representing the patron saint of Spain. Other
exhibits include some exquisite silverwork and a 7mm book - one of the world's smallest -
in which the Lord's Prayer is written in various languages
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo
Corner of Sucre and Potosí • Mon-Fri 9am-noon & 3-8pm, Sat-Sun 3-7pm • Free
A former public school has been converted into the pleasant courtyard setting of the Museo
de Arte Contemporáneo . Various peculiar and eccentric art displays can be found
throughout the maze of small rooms, and there is usually someone at the door who is more
than happy to help you try and make sense of them.
Museo Etnofolklórico
Inside Parque Arenal, a 10min walk northeast of the plaza • Daily 9am-noon & 3-6pm • Free
The Museo Etnofolklórico has a small but varied collection of artefacts from the region's
different indigenous ethnic groups. Exhibits include photos and examples of traditional dress,
including colourful costumes, wooden masks carved with animal faces and bright feather he-
addresses. Particularly striking are the brightly coloured robes and hoods of the “Gigantes”
costumes from San Ignacio de Velasco - these are worn by dancers who use tall stilts and
white facemasks to represent mythological giants.
Museo de Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado
Eight blocks south of the plaza on Av Irala, near the corner with Av Ejército Nacional • Mon-Fri 8am-noon &
3-6.30pm • Free •
The Museo de Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado houses an extensive collection of
dead insects, stuffed birds and pickled snakes from Bolivia, all displayed with good explana-
tions in Spanish of their biology, habitat and lifecycle. Of particular interest is the display of
dangerous insects, such as the vinchuca or assassin bug . Look out also for the vibora cuco , a
moth that bears a passing resemblance to a snake's head and which is widely (but incorrectly)
considered extremely dangerous.
Biocentro Güembé
Kilómetro 7, Camino a Porongo/Zona Los Batos • Daily 8.30am-6.30pm • Adults Bs90, children Bs40, with a
basicdaypackage• 033700700, •It'sa30mintaxiride(Bs30-40)fromthecentre;
it's best to look at the map on the website before visiting to better direct your taxi driver
Eight kilometres north of Santa Cruz's city centre, Biocentro Güembé is a luxurious 46-acre
resort with an array of attractions including a huge butterfly dome , an orchid park and a
series of picturesque pools . There are opportunities for trekking, horse-riding and swimming,
a fine restaurant (almuerzo Bs80), and various accommodation options. Though it may be
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