Travel Reference
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comfortable en-suit e rooms ha ve TVs and kitchenettes, though could do with a redecoration.
Breakfast included. Bs350 ($60)
The most affordable places to eat are Cochabamba's many markets , in particular the Mer-
cado Calatayud, on San Martín and Aroma, which offers local specialities like picante de
pollo (chicken in a spicy sauce), silpancho (a breaded beef schnitzel), and delicious em-
panadas and salteñas , which seem twice as big as elsewhere in Bolivia and are served with a
choice of different sauces. Cochabambinos are generally adventurous eaters, and the choice
of restaurants here is broad.
Café Paris España with Bolivar. Sophisticated French café with Parisian posters on the
walls, wrought iron chairs and a stained-glass-covered bar. There's a concise menu of coffees
(Bs5-19), sweet and savoury crêpes (Bs15-21), and snacks like croissants and quiches, plus
free wi-fi. Daily.
La Cantonata España with Venezuela. Elegant and sophisticated restaurant serving good
but slightly overpriced Italian food (mains Bs35-70) to Cochabamba's wealthiest residents.
Closed Mon.
Casa de Campo Blvd Recoleta and Pando. An attractive, if tourist-orientated restaurant,
serving classy versions oftraditional dishes (mains Bs25-55) aroundapleasing central court-
yard. There are often peña -style programmes at the weekends. Daily.
La Estancia Blvd Recoleta and Pando. Excellent Argentine parilla (barbecue restaurant)
serving generous portions of delicious grilled beef (go for the slightly more expensive Ar-
gentine cuts), chicken or fish accompanied by a massive salad bar. Mains Bs30-60. Daily for
lunch and dinner.
Gelatone San Martín, near corner with Bolivar. This blue and white candy-striped heladería
serves delicious Italian-style ice cream in a variety of forms - from tubs to cones (from Bs7),
sundaes (Bs18-22) to affogatos (ice cream with hot coffee poured over it) - to eat in or take
away. Daily.
Gopal España N-0250. Inexpensive Hare Krishna wholefood restaurant serving up inexpens-
ive and tasty vegetarian meals, including a buffet lunch (Bs18) that features twenty different
salads, as well as numerous other dishes. There's another branch at Rocha E-0375. Weekdays
for lunch and dinner.
El Griego España and Venezuela. Inexpensive Greek restaurant serving tasty gyros accom-
panied by good Greek salads or not-so-Greek spaghetti. Mains Bs15-40. Closed Sun, even-
ings only.
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