Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
around town, including at the Banco de Santa Cruz and Banco Nacional de Bolivia, opposite
each other near the corner of San Alberto and España.
Car rental Auto Cambio Chuquisaca, Av Mendoza 1106 04 6460984.
Hospital Hospital Santa Bárbara, Plaza de la Libertad 04 6451900.
Immigration Bustillo 284 04 6453647.
Internet There are innumerable internet cafés, most charging around Bs3/hr: try Punto
ENTEL on the plaza.
Language courses Academia Latinoamericana de Español, Dalence 109 and Ortiz ( 04
6439613, ), is the most prominent of the numerous Spanish schools in
Sucre. It offers private or group lessons, and can arrange homestays and voluntary place-
Laundry Lavarap (Bs6/kg), Bolívar, next to Hotel Parador Santa Maria La Real .
Post office Correo Central, Junín and Ayacucho.
Telephone office The main ENTEL office is at España 271, and there are smaller Punto
ENTEL offices on the northeast side of Plaza 25 de Mayo and on the corner of Ravelo and
< Back to Sucre, Cochabamba and the central valleys
Around Sucre
The green hills and pleasant climate surrounding Sucre make this an area well worth setting
aside time to explore. While the dinosaur tracks at Cal Orko and the market at Tarabuco are
the most popular day-trips - and the latter will give you some sense of countryside by way of
a bus window - forays by foot, mountain bike or horse will give you a much more intimate
view (see Tour operators ).
Cal Orko dinosaur footprints
Parque Cretácico Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat & Sun 10am-5pm • Bs30; the footprints are free to view through
the gate
Five kilometres outside Sucre on the Cochabamba road, the low mountain of CAL ORKO
is home to the world's biggest-known collection of dinosaur footprints , which were dis-
covered in 1994 by workers at a local cement works and limestone quarry. Approximately
five thousand prints from at least 150 different types of dinosaur can be seen here, covering
anarea ofaroundthirty thousand square metres ofnear-vertical rockface, anastonishing pro-
fusion given that the second-biggest known site, in Germany, contains just 240 prints from
two types of dinosaur. The prints were laid down between 65 and 85 million years ago on
a flat bed of mud or sand covered by shallow water, and were then covered by a protective
layer of ash from a volcanic explosion . Further layers of ash, silt and other sediments fol-
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