Travel Reference
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gives the impression of a real grass roots passion for what they do, a bit like an old-school re-
cord store, and co-owner Christian Menn is an inexhaustible source of climbing-related info.
They also stock some of the most up-to-date maps of both La Paz, the Cordillera Real and
the Yungas as well as a healthy selection of used guidebooks. Mon-Sat 9am-7pm.
Instituto Geográfico Militar Av Saavedra 2303, Miraflores 02 2229786; map . You can
buy 1:50,000- and 1:250,000-scale topographical maps (as well as photocopies of those
which aren't available) of most of Bolivia (some areas are yet to be surveyed) from the IGM,
located in the military headquarters (Estado Mayor); you'll need your passport for identific-
ation. Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm & 2.30-6.30pm.
Tatoo Illampu 828 022451265, ; map . Thoughthename isbaffling,theinterior
blandly modern and the staff tending to the surly, the La Paz branch of this South American
chain comes highly recommended and is one of the only places in the city you're guaranteed
to get authentic brand name outdoor gear; they work with Marmot and Osprey among others.
Mon-Sat 10am-7pm.
The Spitting Llama Linares 947, below Hostal La Posada de la Abuela 7039 8720, ; map . Excellent family-owned, community-tourism-minded bookstore
with a formidable selection of used books and travel guides in English, German, Spanish,
French and even Quechua and Aymara. There's also a smattering of new guides, as well as
camping gear and a fascinating selection of maps. Staff are friendly and helpful and member-
ship (Bs100) offers a twenty percent discount on gear and books. Daily 10.30am-7pm.
Arte Local 67 Linares 975; map . If you've had your fill of artesanía , this is a great
place to while away a spare hour, a rare Linares antique shop run by the lovely Judith Ze-
ballos. Though the entrance - situated at the far end of Linares - isn't exactly prominent,
it's well worth stepping inside for a fascinating selection of old music scores, antique
books, postcards, old gramophones and even vintage Pujlley helmets from Potosí. Mon-Sat
10.30am-1pm & 3-7pm.
Zapatería Crack Next door to Arte Local 67; map . If you have an interest in football mem-
orabilia, it's worth stepping next door from Arte into this tiny, memorably named shoe shop
specializing in football boots. Grizzled owner Don Julio has lined the walls of his tiny work-
place with a fantastic selection of old photos, both of the national team and of various club
teams, as well as a framed article on his good self, the one-time supplier of boots to no less
than Pelé.
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