Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.7: Location of the study sites (Anayari, Atankwidi and Yarigatanga
catchments) (Source: adapted from GLOWA Volta Project) .
There are several water uses identified in the three catchments. These are
domestic, fishing, irrigation and urban water supply. The irrigation activities
in these catchments depend on the following for their water source: small
reservoirs, dugouts, shallow groundwater, riverine water and large reservoirs.
These irrigation activities will be discussed in subsequent chapters. The
Yarigatanga catchment has a large reservoir irrigation scheme called the Vea
Irrigation scheme, which also serves drinking water supply to the Bolgatanga
Municipality. All three catchments have small reservoirs, located in both
Ghana and Burkina Faso.
The Atankwidi and Yarigatanga catchments have installed streamflow gauges
since 2004 while the Yarigatanga has had a rain gauge located close to the
Vea Dam since 1961.
Because of the transboundary nature of these three catchments and the
presence of the various types of irrigation technologies, the three catchments
were selected for detailed field studies. It is assumed that the findings in
these three catchments will be representative for other parts of the White
Volta sub-basin (van de Giesen et al., 2001; Birner et al., 2005; Sally, 1997).
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