Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4.3 : Layout of Tono Irrigation Scheme.
Due to ageing components the water control systems are weak. This makes it
very difficult to prevent farmers from having access to water when they
refuse to pay water levies. On average only 60% of farmers in Vea pay water
levies. Meanwhile the project targets 80% payment before releasing water to
farmers. Payment is usually regular with upland farmers but very poor with
lowland farmers. The reason is that lowland farmers join the upland farmers
later in the season and are able to benefit from the water being used by the
upland farmers. This makes it difficult to enforce payment since they already
have access to water. For example in the 2006/2007 dry season 136ha of land
were cultivated in Vea but levies for only 62ha were paid, leaving 55%
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