Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Configuring iAd is extremely easy. You need to activate iAd for your application
as described in Chapter 11. Once iAd is activated, you need to implement the
iAd behavior.
You need to take into consideration the area of display of the Ad so it does not
interfere with your game user interface. On an iPhone, a portrait advertisement is
320 x 50 pixels and a landscape advertisement is 480 x 32 pixels. On an iPad, a
portrait advertisement is 768 x 66 pixels and a landscape advertisement is 1024
x 66 pixels.
Open the Home actor in the Actor Editor. Drag and drop a Show iAd behavior
into the actor. Select ''Bottom'' as the banner position as per Figure 9-30.
Figure 9-30. Show iAd behavior
That's it! You're all set for iAd. Real ads will only display once the application is
You can check the project by opening the file named BreakaWall-partII-
step6.gameproj .
Note about iAd:
iAd is not a cash cow. The level of revenue is very low. Break a Wall
has been downloaded about 1,400 times at the time of writing. So far,
the iAd revenue is below US$2 (see Figure 9-31).
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