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further reading
Chilcote's Theories of Development and Underdevelopment (1984)
effectively situates the various approaches to the 'development of
underdevelopment' - structuralism, dependencia, internal colonialism,
neo-Marxism, even Trotskyism - as a full set of alternative theoretical
perspectives on post-colonial core-periphery relations. Harold Brookfield's
Interdependent Development (1975) provides comprehensive cover-
age of these 'voices from the Third World'. Walter Stohr and David
Taylor's Development from Above or Below? (1981) is a lucid compari-
son between the development from above and development from
below approaches. John Brohman's (1996) comprehensive re-think of
Popular Development (1981) summarizes the wider critical field in exem-
plary fashion. Other essential readings are Fritz Schumacher's Small is
Beautiful (1973), Paul Ekins and Manfred Max-Neef's Real-Life Economics:
Understanding Wealth Creation (1992), and Wolfgang Sach's The
Development Dictionary (1992) .
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