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from below' approaches. The critical assessment of these development
institutions' performances in Chapter 2.4 finds institutional rigidity in
ideological persuasion and practical applications towards development
projects and planning initiatives. Despite their charge to serve as the
responsible agencies that would deliver international development to
the global South, their self-serving agendas too often came first and
foremost. Over fifty years of disappointment characterize the overall
performances of these international development institutions and
agencies. Perhaps only the United Nations and its associated develop-
ment institutions stand apart from the rest, in terms of this institu-
tion's altruistic fairness and humanistic objectives.
In Chapter 2.5, the account then turns to the future. In this selective
overview, the difficulties inherent in achieving sustainable develop-
ment while at the same time planning a future that is also environmen-
tally sustainable appear to be many, if not insurmountable. It seems
that development options that seek to merge the multiplicity of goals
for human societal transformation and development with the need to
ensure a future environmental sustainability for all in the global South
and North are still far from being realized.
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