Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
There is an argument that the Third World exists whatever we
choose to call it. Other descriptors include Poor countries, former
colonies and non-aligned nations.
further reading
The Global Issues website, 'poverty around the world', offers a useful
introductory account to statistics summarizing the major inequalities that
characterize the contemporary world:
poverty-around-the world. Interested readers will also benefit from con-
sulting the Worldmapper website for a wide array of maps showing all
too clearly global inequalities. For more academic treatments consult
Sylvia Chant and Cathy McIlwaine's Geographies of Development in
the 21st Century: an Introduction to the Global South (2009), where spa-
tial meanings and connotations are covered in the first part of Chapter 1;
and Potter et al.'s Geographies of Development (3rd edition) , has a sec-
tion covering 'Spatialising development: the Third World/Developing
World/Global South/Poor Countries', in Chapter 1 (pp. 22-32).
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