Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Bringing together the concepts involved in defining development
together with the concepts involved in measuring levels of poverty and
development through time are the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs), and these are reviewed in Chapter 1.5. The MDGs represent a
set of agreed international development targets by means of which it is
intended that the world should move towards a more equitable pattern
of development by the year 2015. A total of eight main Millennium
Development Goals together with 18 associated targets and 48 vari-
ables were identified in 2000. Consideration of progess made since
around 1990 indicates that while some progress has indeed been made,
the overall situation can be described as patchy at best and, in particu-
lar, little or no progress has been made in respect of sub-Saharan
Africa. This remains one of the most pressing issues to be faced in the
arena of global development and change and again emphasizes the
extreme inequality that characterizes the world in which we live.
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