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oppressors (Heise, 2007; Corrêa and Jolly, 2008). This reveals the dan-
gers of basing rights claims and identity politics on essentialized iden-
tity categories that do not reflect the constantly shifting nature of
individuals' identification within particular spatial and temporal con-
texts. Corrêa and Jolly (2008) call for an inclusive notion of sexual
rights that does not relate exclusively to particular groups of people,
but rather analyses the intersection of sexuality with other identities
and axes of social difference.
key points
Sexuality, poverty and development are inextricably linked, despite
mainstream development agencies' reluctance to engage with such
'intimate' questions of the body to date.
A sexualities and development lens draws attention to the margin-
alization of sexual minorities and seeks to challenge the institution-
alization of 'heteronormativity', defined as the assumptions,
naturalization and enforcement of heterosexuality as the norm.
Rights-based approaches to development may offer opportunities to
promote and protect people's sexual rights, sexual and reproductive
health rights, and challenge sexuality-related discrimination, vio-
lence and poverty.
Such approaches need to adopt an inclusive notion of 'sexual rights'
based on analysis of the intersection of sexuality with gender and
other social differences in specific cultural contexts.
further reading
Andrea Cornwall, Sonia Corrêa and Susie Jolly's topic Development
with a Body: Sexuality, Human Rights and Development (2008) repre-
sents a key text for exploring recent work on sexualities, human rights
and development in a global context. Similarly, Peter Aggleton's and
Richard Parker's (2010) Routledge Handbook of Sexuality, Health and
Rights and Richard Parker and Peter Aggleton's (2007) Culture, Society
and Sexuality are both interesting, comprehensive collections of theo-
retical and empirical work on gender and sexuality from a global per-
spective. Jolly's article '“Queering” Development: Exploring the Links
between Same-Sex Sexualities' (2000) in Gender and Development
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