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In-Depth Information
Conventional neoliberal economic programmes of capitalist develop-
ment, trade and commerce would become common practice from the
1980s onward - largely dictated 'from above' under the collective
authority of the Washington Consensus.
In the post-1980s era, international financial institutions imposed
(punitive) neoliberal, structural adjustments programmes (SAPs) on
indebted nations in the global South.
The World Social Forum was established as a counter to the World
Economic Forum and similar neoliberal institutions which promised
'economic development'.
further reading
Several of the authorities referenced in this chapter deserve reading for
the detail they provide, both on the destructive excesses wrought by the
'Washington Consensus', by neoliberal structural adjustment policies,
and by mismanaged, misdirected and oft-times corrupt development
bank practices. Kevin Danaher's 50 Years is Enough (1994) , Graham
Hancock's Lords of Poverty (1989), Susan George's A Fate Worse than
Debt (1988) as well as her The Debt Boomerang (1992) , collectively
detail the IFI excesses on behalf of neoliberal capitalism and transna-
tional corporate accumulation - particularly at the expense of the poor
majority, but also harming 'all of us'. The World Social Forum also
deserves attention, and William Fisher and Thomas Ponniah's work,
Another World is Possible (2003) details that alternative global forum's
activism and creativity.
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